Objective: The Lord be With You! I'm Deacon Keith Fournier. I am excited to announce our 'DAILY READINGS ' class. A first of a kind, ready-to-use Daily Readings lesson plan.
"Daily Readings should be the first class of the day, 5 days a week for students in every grade, in every Catholic School and with every Homeschool family." ~Deacon Keith Fournier
Based on the readings from Holy Mass for every day of the month, Our Daily Readings lessons are for both older and younger learners. In addition to the Bible readings from Daily Mass, they include 'Questions for Reflection' which are based upon those Readings.
The goal is to take the word from our ears - and place it into our hearts - our minds - and our daily lives. These lessons can bring the Daily Bible Readings from Mass to life for your students!
The 'DAILY READINGS' class is one of many classes offered through Catholic Online School.
There are 31 Mobile-friendly Daily Reading video lessons in this class, one Daily Reading lesson for each day of the month.
Each daily reading lesson includes a study guide, video, script, assessment and answer key as well as a virtual library of supplemental resources.
You’re joining our global classroom. Thousands of students from all over the world, each with their own unique story, learn at their own pace on Catholic Online School every single day.
Free Resources and tools for students, parents, and teachers. We’re working hard to ensure that Catholic Online School empowers teachers of all kinds to better understand what their children or students are up to and how best to help them.