Defending the Faith
Original Sin
What is original sin; why and how does it affect us today?
From where does evil come? It’s a question that’s nagged at the hearts and minds of many men throughout the centuries. Not finding a satisfactory answer, it’s led many into all kinds of errors—even into a rejection of God’s existence. When we survey the world’s history or read the latest news story on the Internet, it’s obvious that there’s something very wrong in the world.
Some try to explain away the situation by pointing to human mistakes or “an inadequate social structure” (cf. CCC, 387). However, these are insufficient explanations. But it’s not only about what we observe going wrong on the outside. There’s something wrong on the inside. If we’re honest with ourselves, we’ve noticed an interior struggle—like a battle within—that we must wage each and every day against the many temptations afflicting us.
Objective: In this course, students will learn exactly what original sin is and how it still affects us today. Students will learn about some of the effects of original sin and which ones are the most serious. With this course, students will learn how to explain how death entered into human history and how we all struggle interiorly.
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Resources for Students, Parents, and Teachers
Original Sin - Part 1 - What is Original Sin? - LESSON PLAN / STUDY GUIDE
Defending the Faith - Original Sin - Part 1 - What is Original Sin? Live Lesson Recording with Deacon Frederick Bartels (4/9/21)
Original Sin - Part 1 - What is Original Sin? - QUIZ
Resources for Students, Parents, and Teachers
Original Sin - Part 2 - Exploring the Consequences of Original Sin - LESSON PLAN / STUDY GUIDE
Original Sin - Part 2 - Exploring the Consequences of Original Sin - QUIZ
Instructor Bio:
Deacon Frederick Bartels
Professor of Theology, Department Chair
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