Defending the Faith
What Does It Mean to Evangelize?
What does it mean to evangelize and how does one get started? What is its purpose and goal?
Evangelization begins with your personal, intimate encounter with Christ. In other words, it’s not possible for you to evangelize anyone unless you are in a relationship of intimate communion with Jesus. This means that evangelization must begin with a love of Christ and your faith, an education in that faith, and fully living out your Christian faith in the womb of the Church. This concept is often expressed by the saying, “You must first evangelize yourself.”
The purpose of evangelizing other Christians is to bring about union with holy mother Church, which brings access to the fullness of truth and the additional sacraments of initiation beyond baptism.
Objective: In this course, students will learn all about evangelization. Students will learn what it is, why it's important, and how to help evangelize others. Students will learn what makes Catholic Evangelization unique and all about the New Evangelization and its goals.
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Resources for Students, Parents, and Teachers
What Does It Mean to Evangelize? - Lesson 1 - First Principles of Evangelization - LESSON PLAN / STUDY GUIDE
Defending the Faith - What Does It Mean to Evangelize? - Lesson 1 - First Principles of Evangelization - Live Lesson Recording with Deacon Frederick Bartels (5/25/21)
What Does It Mean to Evangelize? - Lesson 1 - First Principles of Evangelization - QUIZ
Resources for Students, Parents, and Teachers
What Does It Mean to Evangelize? - Lesson 2 - Elements and Characteristics of Catholic Evangelization - LESSON PLAN / STUDY GUIDE
Defending the Faith - What Does It Mean to Evangelize? - Lesson 2 - Elements and Characteristics of Catholic Evangelization - Live Lesson Recording with Deacon Frederick Bartels (5/26/21)
What Does It Mean to Evangelize? - Lesson 2 - Elements and Characteristics of Catholic Evangelization - QUIZ
Resources for Students, Parents, and Teachers
What Does It Mean to Evangelize? - Lesson 3 - The New Evangelization - LESSON PLAN / STUDY GUIDE
Defending the Faith - What Does It Mean to Evangelize? - Lesson 3 - The New Evangelization - Live Lesson Recording with Deacon Frederick Bartels (5/27/21)
What Does It Mean to Evangelize? - Lesson 3 - The New Evangelization - QUIZ
Instructor Bio:
Deacon Frederick Bartels
Professor of Theology, Department Chair
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