When we evangelize, we proclaim Christ as the one, unique Savior and Redeemer. However, not everyone is interesting in hearing about the Lord Jesus. In today’s post-modern culture, the task of evangelizing others is often difficult, and those who engage in it can encounter several obstacles.

What are some tools we can use to open the door to a meaningful conversation about the Lord Jesus and his Church? 

Objective: In this course, students will learn about the obstacles we face when evangelizing others and why it's important to have patience. Students will learn that evangelizing others must start with oneself and about finding the source of courage necessary to continue forward. 

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Reviews: See what others are saying

Frank Gips

5 star rating

“I had to review for practicum. Very thematic in content, and very good.”

“I had to review for practicum. Very thematic in content, and very good.”

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Mary Sarte

4 star rating

“Evangelization was very good.”

“Evangelization was very good.”

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Course curriculum

  • 01

    Defending the Faith - Winning Them Over: Seven Practical Tips for Evangelizing

    • Introduction

    • Resources for Students, Parents, and Teachers

    • Winning Them Over: Seven Practical Tips for Evangelizing - LESSON PLAN / STUDY GUIDE

    • Defending the Faith - Winning Them Over: Seven Practical Tips for Evangelizing - Live Lesson Recording with Deacon Frederick Bartels (5/28/21)

    • Winning Them Over: Seven Practical Tips for Evangelizing - QUIZ


Instructor Bio:

Deacon Frederick Bartels is a member of the Catholic clergy who serves the Church in the diocese of Pueblo, CO. He received an MA in Theology and Educational Ministry from Catholic Distance University, where he is currently employed as an adjunct professor of theology. He is founder and editor of Joy In Truth (joyintruth.com), an online magazine dedicated to the New Evangelization. As a Catholic educator, public speaker and evangelist, Deacon Bartels strives to infuse culture with the saving principles of the gospel. He lives in Colorado with his wife, Shelly, and the youngest two of their six children. Professor Bartels is Chairman of the Theology Department.

Deacon Frederick Bartels

Professor of Theology, Department Chair