Explore the Bible - 'The Breastplate of Judgement'
What was the bejeweled Breastplate of Judgement worn by the High Priests of Israel?
Objective: What was the bejeweled Breastplate of Judgement worn by the High Priests of Israel?
On this adventure, students will learn about the Breastplate of Judgement and its role in ancient Israel. How did the ancients priests use it to communicate with God? Why did God order the creation of such a tool, and why isn't it used today?
Learn about this mystery and more in this exciting course!
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Resources for Students, Parents, and Teachers
Explore the Bible - 'The Breastplate of Judgement' - LESSON PLAN / STUDY GUIDE
Explore the Bible - 'The Breastplate of Judgement' - VIDEO
Explore the Bible - 'The Breastplate of Judgement' - QUIZ
Instructor Bio:
Professor Marshall Connolly
Director of Education
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