In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God; all things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. (John 1:1-4)

We are made in and through and with Christ—the life and light of men. As St. Leo the Great said in the 5th century in speaking of the sacrament of Baptism, which makes us Christians and members of Christ’s body, “Never forget that you have been rescued from the power of darkness and brought into the light of the Kingdom of God.”

The truth is, we desperately need Christ our Lord whose life and love rescues us from the power of darkness; therefore, it’s essential that we live our life in him.

But what does it mean to live one’s life in Christ? How is it possible? And why is it essential to do so?

In this section of the program, titled “Life in Christ,” we explore and answer those questions and more.

In this series of lessons, you’ll learn about the third pillar of the faith as it’s presented in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Here are some of the topics covered:

  • The dignity of the human person, the gift of freedom, and the call to Beatitude
  • The reality of sin, the three sources of morality, and the human conscience
  • The cardinal and theological virtues
  • The social justice doctrine of the Church
  • The moral law, grace, and justification
  • The Church as mother and teacher
  • An in-depth exploration of the Church’s teaching on the ten commandments

From all of us at Catholic Online School: May Christ bless you on your journey of faith.

“Life in Christ" is broken up into different chapters. 

In this course, students will work through Chapter 12.

Students will cover - 

  • Course 21 - The Seventh Commandment
  • Course 22 - The Eighth Commandment 

Earning a certificate of completion in this online course is not a substitute for completing a parish-based RCIA program. The Sacraments of Initiation can only be conferred by a bishop or priest. This certificate means you have successfully completed a course of study that is intended to supplement your parish RCIA program.

Course curriculum

  • 01

    Introduction to RCIA - For Adults - Life in Christ - Chapter 12 with 'Certificate of Completion'

    • How to get your 'Certificate of Completion'

  • 02

    RCIA - Life in Christ - Course 21 - The Seventh Commandment - Lesson 1 - Respect for Persons and their Goods

    • INTRODUCTION - The Seventh Commandment - Lesson 1 - Respect for Persons and their Goods

    • LESSON PLAN / STUDY GUIDE - The Seventh Commandment - Lesson 1 - Respect for Persons and their Goods

    • OPENING PRAYER - The Seventh Commandment - Lesson 1 - Respect for Persons and their Goods

    • SCRIPTURE READING - The Seventh Commandment - Lesson 1 - Respect for Persons and their Goods

    • VIDEO - The Seventh Commandment - Lesson 1 - Respect for Persons and their Goods

    • DISCUSSION QUESTIONS - The Seventh Commandment - Lesson 1 - Respect for Persons and their Goods

    • CLOSING PRAYER - The Seventh Commandment - Lesson 1 - Respect for Persons and their Goods

    • CATECHISM TEXT, RESOURCES, AND GLOSSARY - The Seventh Commandment - Lesson 1 - Respect for Persons and their Goods

    • QUIZ - The Seventh Commandment - Lesson 1 - Respect for Persons and their Goods

    • ADDITIONAL SCRIPTURE READINGS - The Seventh Commandment - Lesson 1 - Respect for Persons and their Goods

    • Resources for Students, Parents, and Teachers

  • 03

    RCIA - Life in Christ - Course 21 - The Seventh Commandment - Lesson 2 - Principles of the Social Doctrine of the Church

    • INTRODUCTION - The Seventh Commandment - Lesson 2 - Principles of the Social Doctrine of the Church

    • LESSON PLAN / STUDY GUIDE - The Seventh Commandment - Lesson 2 - Principles of the Social Doctrine of the Church

    • OPENING PRAYER - The Seventh Commandment - Lesson 2 - Principles of the Social Doctrine of the Church

    • SCRIPTURE READING - The Seventh Commandment - Lesson 2 - Principles of the Social Doctrine of the Church

    • VIDEO - The Seventh Commandment - Lesson 2 - Principles of the Social Doctrine of the Church

    • DISCUSSION QUESTIONS - The Seventh Commandment - Lesson 2 - Principles of the Social Doctrine of the Church

    • CLOSING PRAYER - The Seventh Commandment - Lesson 2 - Principles of the Social Doctrine of the Church

    • CATECHISM TEXT, RESOURCES, AND GLOSSARY - The Seventh Commandment - Lesson 2 - Principles of the Social Doctrine of the Church

    • QUIZ - The Seventh Commandment - Lesson 2 - Principles of the Social Doctrine of the Church

    • ADDITIONAL SCRIPTURE READINGS - The Seventh Commandment - Lesson 2 - Principles of the Social Doctrine of the Church

    • Resources for Students, Parents, and Teachers

  • 04

    RCIA - Life in Christ - Course 21 - The Seventh Commandment - Lesson 3 - Love for the Poor and Works of Mercy

    • INTRODUCTION - The Seventh Commandment - Lesson 3 - Love for the Poor and Works of Mercy

    • LESSON PLAN / STUDY GUIDE - The Seventh Commandment - Lesson 3 - Love for the Poor and Works of Mercy

    • OPENING PRAYER - The Seventh Commandment - Lesson 3 - Love for the Poor and Works of Mercy

    • SCRIPTURE READING - The Seventh Commandment - Lesson 3 - Love for the Poor and Works of Mercy

    • VIDEO - The Seventh Commandment - Lesson 3 - Love for the Poor and Works of Mercy

    • DISCUSSION QUESTIONS - The Seventh Commandment - Lesson 3 - Love for the Poor and Works of Mercy

    • CLOSING PRAYER - The Seventh Commandment - Lesson 3 - Love for the Poor and Works of Mercy

    • CATECHISM TEXT, RESOURCES, AND GLOSSARY - The Seventh Commandment - Lesson 3 - Love for the Poor and Works of Mercy

    • QUIZ - The Seventh Commandment - Lesson 3 - Love for the Poor and Works of Mercy

    • ADDITIONAL SCRIPTURE READINGS - The Seventh Commandment - Lesson 3 - Love for the Poor and Works of Mercy

    • Resources for Students, Parents, and Teachers

  • 05

    RCIA - Life in Christ - Course 22 - The Eighth Commandment - Lesson 1 - Live the Truth

    • INTRODUCTION - The Eighth Commandment - Lesson 1 - Live the Truth

    • LESSON PLAN / STUDY GUIDE - The Eighth Commandment - Lesson 1 - Live the Truth

    • OPENING PRAYER - The Eighth Commandment - Lesson 1 - Live the Truth

    • SCRIPTURE READING - The Eighth Commandment - Lesson 1 - Live the Truth

    • VIDEO - The Eighth Commandment - Lesson 1 - Live the Truth

    • DISCUSSION QUESTIONS - The Eighth Commandment - Lesson 1 - Live the Truth

    • CLOSING PRAYER - The Eighth Commandment - Lesson 1 - Live the Truth

    • CATECHISM TEXT, RESOURCES, AND GLOSSARY - The Eighth Commandment - Lesson 1 - Live the Truth

    • QUIZ - The Eighth Commandment - Lesson 1 - Live the Truth

    • ADDITIONAL SCRIPTURE READINGS - The Eighth Commandment - Lesson 1 - Live the Truth

    • Resources for Students, Parents, and Teachers

  • 06

    RCIA - Life in Christ - Course 22 - The Eighth Commandment - Lesson 2 - Respect for the Truth

    • INTRODUCTION - The Eighth Commandment - Lesson 2 - Respect for the Truth

    • LESSON PLAN / STUDY GUIDE - The Eighth Commandment - Lesson 2 - Respect for the Truth

    • OPENING PRAYER - The Eighth Commandment - Lesson 2 - Respect for the Truth

    • SCRIPTURE READING - The Eighth Commandment - Lesson 2 - Respect for the Truth

    • VIDEO - The Eighth Commandment - Lesson 2 - Respect for the Truth

    • DISCUSSION QUESTIONS - The Eighth Commandment - Lesson 2 - Respect for the Truth

    • CLOSING PRAYER - The Eighth Commandment - Lesson 2 - Respect for the Truth

    • CATECHISM TEXT, RESOURCES, AND GLOSSARY - The Eighth Commandment - Lesson 2 - Respect for the Truth

    • QUIZ - The Eighth Commandment - Lesson 2 - Respect for the Truth

    • ADDITIONAL SCRIPTURE READINGS - The Eighth Commandment - Lesson 2 - Respect for the Truth

    • Resources for Students, Parents, and Teachers

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Instructor Bio:

Deacon Frederick Bartels is a member of the Catholic clergy who serves the Church in the diocese of Pueblo, CO. He received an MA in Theology and Educational Ministry from Catholic Distance University, where he is currently employed as an adjunct professor of theology. He is founder and editor of Joy In Truth (, an online magazine dedicated to the New Evangelization. As a Catholic educator, public speaker and evangelist, Deacon Bartels strives to infuse culture with the saving principles of the gospel. He lives in Colorado with his wife, Shelly, and the youngest two of their six children. Professor Bartels is Chairman of the Theology Department.

Deacon Frederick Bartels

Professor of Theology, Department Chair