Objective: God is Just – Students will learn about Cain and Abel, venial and mortal sin, and God's mercy. 

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Course curriculum

  • 01

    God is Just - Grade 4 - Lesson 1 - Cain and Abel

    • Introduction

    • Resources for Students, Parents, and Teachers

    • Religious Ed - Grade 4 - Catechism - God is Just - Lesson 1 - Cain and Abel - LESSON PLAN / STUDY GUIDE

    • Religious Ed - Grade 4 - Catechism - God is Just - Lesson 1 - Cain and Abel - VIDEO

    • Sunday School with Ms. Marieann - Live Lesson Recording (5/9/21)

    • Religious Ed - Grade 4 - Catechism - God is Just - Lesson 1 - Cain and Abel - QUIZ

    • May 9, 2021

  • 02

    God is Just - Grade 4 - Lesson 2 - Cain Commits a Sin

    • Introduction

    • Resources for Students, Parents, and Teachers

    • Religious Ed - Grade 4 - Catechism - God is Just - Lesson 2 - Cain Commits a Sin - LESSON PLAN / STUDY GUIDE

    • Religious Ed - Grade 4 - Catechism - God is Just - Lesson 2 - Cain Commits a Sin - VIDEO

    • Sunday School with Ms. Marieann - Live Lesson Recording (5/16/21)

    • Religious Ed - Grade 4 - Catechism - God is Just - Lesson 2 - Cain Commits a Sin - QUIZ

    • May 16, 2021

  • 03

    God is Just - Grade 4 - Lesson 3 - Cain's Punishment

    • Introduction

    • Resources for Students, Parents, and Teachers

    • Religious Ed - Grade 4 - Catechism - God is Just - Lesson 3 - Cain's Punishment - LESSON PLAN / STUDY GUIDE

    • Religious Ed - Grade 4 - Catechism - God is Just - Lesson 3 - Cain's Punishment - VIDEO

    • Sunday School with Ms. Marieann - Live Lesson Recording (5/23/21)

    • Religious Ed - Grade 4 - Catechism - God is Just - Lesson 3 - Cain's Punishment - QUIZ

    • May 23, 2021

  • 04

    God is Just - Grade 4 - Lesson 4 - God showed Cain Mercy

    • Introduction

    • Resources for Students, Parents, and Teachers

    • Religious Ed - Grade 4 - Catechism - God is Just - Lesson 4 - God showed Cain Mercy - LESSON PLAN / STUDY GUIDE

    • Religious Ed - Grade 4 - Catechism - God is Just - Lesson 4 - God showed Cain Mercy - VIDEO

    • Religious Ed - Grade 4 - Catechism - God is Just - Lesson 4 - God showed Cain Mercy - QUIZ

    • Sunday School with Ms. Marieann - Live Lesson - May 30 @ 11 AM Pacific

    • May 30, 2021 "The Solemnity of Holy Trinity"

What others have been saying about this course:


5 star rating

“I enjoyed learning that after we sin god gives us grace to help us instead of a butt whippen. I don't want to sin and if I do sin god I sincerely ask for forgiveness. I really don't want to sin so I ask for help with this god Jehovah, and lord Je...”

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“I enjoyed learning that after we sin god gives us grace to help us instead of a butt whippen. I don't want to sin and if I do sin god I sincerely ask for forgiveness. I really don't want to sin so I ask for help with this god Jehovah, and lord Jesus Christ and holy spirit and blessed Mother Mary. I make the choice to worship GOD Jehovah and accept Jesus Christ as my savior and I also accept the Holy Spirit and the Blessed Mother Mary. I accept these beings as my real family in oreder to bring peace into my life and not be used or mistreated or abused. I accept working with my family only in order to do our job perfect and not to be pushed or pulled or hooked or robbed or anything else that comes along with working and getting payed. I accept the fact that GOD Jehovah will accept the money and hold and use it for what it is really meant for that way I don't get robbed or used or invite anyone into my life the really isn't right for me; much like the wolf in the three little pigs story that huffs, and puffs on something that I really don't know that it is and then steals or blows their houses down and makes off like a bandit with things that they have worked for. I love you God Jehovah, I love you Jesus Christ, I love you Holy Spirits, and I love you as well Blessed Mother Mary; excuse me studying today and not resting as much as I should. I just heard that that was part of what to do today and it was raining outside and I let it clear up a bit. I will see ya'll in heaven. Goodbye.”

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Instructor Bio:

Marieann Han holds multiple credentials in education with a specialization in early Early Childhood, K-12, and Adults. She has earned an M.A in Education. She currently teaches adult ESL courses in California. Ms. Han is also a certified catechist at her parish where she teaches First Communion courses. Ms. Han came to the United States from Burma and enjoys spending time with her family where she lives in Southern California.

Marieann Han

Sunday School Teacher