We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Preamble to the United States Constitution

The Constitution of the United States is one of the most ingenious documents ever written. It not only shapes the government and society of the world's greatest superpower, but many other nations use it as a model for their own legal framework. The concept of inalienable rights and limited government is responsible for making the United States the freest, and prosperous nation in the world. 

The Constitution acted like a colossal merger, uniting a group of states with different interests, laws, and cultures. Under America’s first national  government, the Articles of Confederation, the states acted together only for specific purposes. The Constitution united its citizens as members of a whole, vesting the power of the union in the people. Without it, the American Experiment might have ended as quickly as it had begun.

Learn about the legal traditions and histories that contributed their powerful ideas to the Constitution, and learn what is written in this inspiring work of genius.

This course is suitable for all ages, including children, young adults, adults, and seniors.

For free. For everyone. Forever.

With God, you can learn anything

Course curriculum

  • 01

    An Introduction to The Constitution of the United States of America with 'Certificate of Completion'

    • How to get your 'Certificate of Completion'

  • 02

    The Constitution of the United States of America - Lesson 1 - The Bible to the Mayflower Compact

    • Introduction

    • Resources for Students, Parents, and Teachers

    • Lesson 1 - The Bible to the Mayflower Compact - LESSON PLAN

    • Lesson 1 - The Bible to the Mayflower Compact - VIDEO

    • Lesson 1 - The Bible to the Mayflower Compact - QUIZ

  • 03

    The Constitution of the United States of America - Lesson 2 - The Declaration of Independence

    • Introduction

    • Resources for Students, Parents, and Teachers

    • Lesson 2 - The Declaration of Independence - LESSON PLAN

    • Lesson 2 - The Declaration of Independence - VIDEO

    • Lesson 2 - The Declaration of Independence - QUIZ

  • 04

    The Constitution of the United States of America Lesson 3 - The Ideas that Made America

    • Introduction

    • Resources for Students, Parents, and Teachers

    • Lesson 3 - The Ideas that Made America - LESSON PLAN

    • Lesson 3 - The Ideas that Made America - VIDEO

    • Lesson 3 - The Ideas that Made America - QUIZ

  • 05

    The Constitution of the United States of America Lesson 4 - The Preamble

    • Introduction

    • Resources for Students, Parents, and Teachers

    • Lesson 4 - The Preamble - LESSON PLAN

    • Lesson 4 - The Preamble - VIDEO

    • Lesson 4 - The Preamble - QUIZ

  • 06

    The Constitution of the United States of America Lesson 5 - Article I

    • Introduction

    • Resources for Students, Parents, and Teachers

    • Lesson 5 - Article I - LESSON PLAN

    • Lesson 5 - Article I - VIDEO

    • Lesson 5 - Article I - QUIZ

  • 07

    The Constitution of the United States of America Lesson 6 - Articles II & III

    • Introduction

    • Resources for Students, Parents, and Teachers

    • Lesson 6 - Articles II & III - LESSON PLAN

    • Lesson 6 - Articles II & III - VIDEO

    • Lesson 6 - Articles II & III - QUIZ

  • 08

    The Constitution of the United States of America Lesson 7 - Articles IV - VII

    • Introduction

    • Resources for Students, Parents, and Teachers

    • Lesson 7 - Articles IV - VII - LESSON PLAN

    • Lesson 7 - Articles IV - VII - VIDEO

    • Lesson 7 - Articles IV - VII - QUIZ

  • 09

    The Constitution of the United States of America Lesson 8 - The Bill of Rights

    • Introduction

    • Resources for Students, Parents, and Teachers

    • Lesson 8 - The Bill of Rights - LESSON PLAN

    • Lesson 8 - The Bill of Rights - VIDEO

    • Lesson 8 - The Bill of Rights - QUIZ

  • 10

    The Constitution of the United States of America Lesson 9 - The Amendments

    • Introduction

    • Resources for Students, Parents, and Teachers

    • Lesson 9 - The Amendments - LESSON PLAN

    • Lesson 9 - The Amendments - VIDEO

    • Lesson 9 - The Amendments - QUIZ

What others are saying about this course:


5 star rating

“Excellent course, very good and very interesting.”

“Excellent course, very good and very interesting.”

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Sr.Cecilia Fabular

4 star rating

“Very Informative! Great Constitution that respects the right of everyone!”

“Very Informative! Great Constitution that respects the right of everyone!”

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Charlie O. William

5 star rating

“Well explained lesson. I have grasped the purpose of the Preamble how important it is in the US Constitution.”

“Well explained lesson. I have grasped the purpose of the Preamble how important it is in the US Constitution.”

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Anthony Parsonage

5 star rating

“For an Australian, it was informative and done in an easy learning perspective in which it wasn't daunting and/or scary. I look forward to doing more study in this field.”

“For an Australian, it was informative and done in an easy learning perspective in which it wasn't daunting and/or scary. I look forward to doing more study in this field.”

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Instructor Bio:

Professor Marshall Connolly has spent his life in service to God and the Church as an educator and writer. He is a graduate of the California State University system and has earned bachelor's degrees in English and History, as well as a teaching credential. He has completed additional studies at Whitman College, and the University of San Diego. His interests include science and apologetics and he writes on both subjects for Catholic Online (catholic.org), the World's Catholic Library.

He serves as the first Director of Education for Catholic Online School.

Professor Marshall Connolly

Director of Education