Grade 3 Catechism Curriculum


Each Class includes Student Lessons, Student Study Guides (PDF), Videos, Scripts, Assessment, Quiz and Answer Keys as well as a Virtual Library of Supplemental Resources. For free. For everyone. Forever...

CLASS - Video series LESSON - Video
GOD OUR FATHER 1 - God the Creator

2 - God Created Us

3 - God wants us to Know Him

4 - Heaven is Our Hope
KNOWING GOD 1 - We Know God

2 -  The Prophets

3 -  Jesus Christ

4 -  The Bible
GOD IS OUR LORD 1 -  How We Pray

2 - Story of Creation

3 - God is Lord of Creation

4 - Free Will
SIN AND GRACE 1 - God created the Angels

2 - The fall of Adam and Eve

3 - God's promise to send a savior

4 - God gives us grace though Baptism
ABRAHAM 1 - God called Abraham

2 - Abraham's Test

3- God blesses Abraham
MOSES  1 - God Tests the Israelites

2 - God Sends Moses

3 - Passover

4 - God's Covenant with Moses
THE COMMANDMENTS  1 - The Ten Commandments

2 -  The Great Commandment
GOD'S LAWS 1 - The First Commandment

2 - The Second Commandment

3 - The Third Commandment

4 - The Fourth Commandment

5 - The Fifth Commandment

6 - The Sixth and Ninth Commandments

7 - The Seventh and Tenth Commandments

8 - The Eighth Commandment
KING DAVID 1 - The Israelites Need a King

2 - God Helps David

3 - David the Psalmist

4 - Songs of the Savior

2 - God Wants to Forgive Us

3 - The Sacrament of Penance

4 - How to Confess
1 - Mary Says Yes

2 - Jesus is Born
JESUS' EARLY LIFE 1 - Jesus had a Hidden Life

2 - The Baptism of Jesus
THE FIRST MASS 1 - Jesus Worked Miracles

2 - Jesus Uses Parables to Teach Us

3 - The Last Supper
JESUS IS OUR SAVIOR 1 - Jesus suffered and died for us

2 - Jesus Conquered Death
SACRIFICE OF THE MASS 1 - Sacrifices in the Old Testament

2 - Mass is a Sacrifice

3 - Liturgy of the Word

4 - Liturgy of the Eucharist
THE BREAD OF LIFE 1 - The New Covenant

2 - Nourishment for Our Souls

2 - Jesus Appears

3 - Forty Days
PENTECOST 1 - What is Pentecost

2 - Gifts of the Holy Spirit
THE CHURCH 1- Popes and bishops

2 - Priests and Laity

3 - Martyrs
MARY THE MOTHER OF GOD 1 - Mary is Our Mother

2 - Mary the Immaculate

3 - Mary, the Holy Queen
THE SAINTS 1 - Eternal Life

2 - Purgatory

3 - After Death