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St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
RCIA - For Adults - The Celebration of the Christian Mystery - Chapter 4 with 'Certificate of Completion'
Sts. Joachim and Anne
Mary and Jesus - Grade 3 - Religious Education - Catechism
God's Law - Grade 6 - Catechism for the Family with Ms. Marieann
Sunday School with Ms. Marieann - The Israelites, God's People - Grade 4 - Religious Education - Catechism
Sunday School with Ms. Marieann - Abraham and Isaac - Grade 4 - Religious Education - Catechism
Sunday School with Ms. Marieann - From Noah to the Tower of Babel - Grade 4 - Religious Education - Catechism
Sunday School with Ms. Marieann - God is Just - Grade 4 - Religious Education - Catechism
Sunday School with Ms. Marieann - The Fall and Original Sin - Grade 4 - Religious Education - Catechism
All Saints' Day
The Angels - Grade 5 - Religious Education - Catechism
Made in God's Image - Grade 5 - Religious Education - Catechism
Explore the Bible - 'Manna from Heaven'
Novena to Joachim and Anne for Christian Married Couples
St. Gianna Beretta Molla - High School
St. Gianna Beretta Molla - Middle School
St. Gianna Beretta Molla - Elementary
Explore the Bible - 'The Annunciation'
St. John Vianney - High School
St. John Vianney - Middle School
St. John Vianney - Elementary
Mary as Mother with 'Certificate of Completion'
Sunday School: First Confession and Reconciliation
Grade 1 - The Blessed Virgin Mary