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RCIA - For Adults - Life in Christ - Chapter 6 with 'Certificate of Completion'
RCIA - For Adults - Life in Christ - Chapter 5 with 'Certificate of Completion'
RCIA - For Adults - Life in Christ - Chapter 4 with 'Certificate of Completion'
RCIA - For Adults - Life in Christ - Chapter 3 with 'Certificate of Completion'
San Pedro - RCIA - For Adults - Program Introduction
RCIA - For Adults - Life in Christ - Chapter 2 with 'Certificate of Completion'
St. Barbara
RCIA - For Adults - Life in Christ - Chapter 1 with 'Certificate of Completion'
Saint Paul the Apostle
Saint Simon the Zealot
Saint Philip the Apostle
Saint Matthias the Apostle
Saint James the Lesser
Saint Bartholomew the Apostle
RCIA - For Adults - The Celebration of the Christian Mystery - Chapter 5 with 'Certificate of Completion'
RCIA - For Adults - The Celebration of the Christian Mystery - Chapter 4 with 'Certificate of Completion'
RCIA - For Adults - The Celebration of the Christian Mystery - Chapter 3 with 'Certificate of Completion'
RCIA - For Adults - The Celebration of the Christian Mystery - Chapter 2 with 'Certificate of Completion'
RCIA - For Adults - The Celebration of the Christian Mystery - Chapter 1 with 'Certificate of Completion'
RCIA - For Adults - The Creed - Chapter 8 with 'Certificate of Completion'
RCIA - For Adults - The Creed - Chapter 7 with 'Certificate of Completion'
Justification and Grace
RCIA - For Adults - The Creed - Chapter 6 with 'Certificate of Completion'
St. Patrick
2 Courses Saints and Heroes
RCIA - For Adults - The Creed - Chapter 5 with 'Certificate of Completion'
RCIA - For Adults - The Creed - Chapter 4 with 'Certificate of Completion'
RCIA - For Adults - The Creed - Chapter 3 with 'Certificate of Completion'
RCIA - For Adults - The Creed - Chapter 2 with 'Certificate of Completion'
The History of Christmas
20 Courses RCIA - For Adults with 'Certificate of Completion'
RCIA - For Adults - Program Introduction
RCIA - For Adults - The Creed - Chapter 1 with 'Certificate of Completion'
4 Courses RCIA - For Catechists with 'Certificate of Completion'
Defending the Faith - Why Should I Be Catholic?
RCIA - For Catechists - Contents Appendices with 'Certificate of Completion'
RCIA - For Catechists - Contents Part 2: Rites for Particular Circumstances with 'Certificate of Completion'
RCIA - For Catechists - Contents Part 1: Christian Initiation of Adults with 'Certificate of Completion'
RCIA - For Catechists - Contents: Introduction with 'Certificate of Completion'
33 Courses Blessed Virgin Mary: Our Mother, Mother of the Lord and Church
28 Courses First Grade - Catechism
31 Courses Second Grade - Catechism
21 Courses Third Grade - Catechism
5 Courses Fourth Grade - Catechism
5 Courses Fifth Grade - Catechism
5 Courses Sixth Grade - Catechism
5 Courses Seventh Grade - Catechism
5 Courses Eighth Grade - Catechism
Defending the Faith - Heresy and Schism
Defending the Faith - Bible Christianity
Defending the Faith - How to Debate
Defending the Faith - What Can Catholics Believe About Evolution?
Exploring the Catechism of the Catholic Church - Part 1: The Profession of Faith - Section 2: The Profession of The Christian Faith – The Creeds
Defending the Faith - C.S. Lewis’ Lord, Liar, or Lunatic Argument
Defending the Faith - Is Christianity Logical?
Defending the Faith - Faith and Works
The Way of Christ - St. Philip Institute of Catechesis and Evangelization with 'Certificate of Completion'
The Way of Christ - St. Philip Institute of Catechesis and Evangelization Companion Course
Grade 1 - Jesus Gives Us a Mission