Grade 6
Explore the Bible - 'The Parting of the Red Sea'
Explore the Bible - 'Manna from Heaven'
St. Augustine of Hippo
St. George - Middle School
Human Trafficking
St. Joan of Arc - Middle School
St. Padre Pio - Middle School
St. Rose of Lima - Middle School
St. Rita - Middle School
Novena for Workers, the Unemployed and Underemployed
Novena to the Holy Spirit for a New Pentecost for the Church
Novena to the Heavenly Father for our Earthly Fathers
St. John the Baptist - Middle School
St. Thomas the Apostle - Middle School
St. Maximilian Kolbe - Middle School
St. Gabriel the Archangel - Middle School
St. Raphael the Archangel - Middle School
Novena to Joachim and Anne for Christian Married Couples
St. Luke - Middle School
St. Maria Goretti - Middle School
St. Monica - Middle School
Pentecost - Lent / Easter
St. Kateri Tekakwitha - Middle School
St. Philomena - Middle School
St. James the Greater - Middle School
St. Matthew - Middle School
St. Gerard Majella - Middle School
St. Stephen - Middle School
Sts. Perpetua and Felicity - Middle School
Our Lady of Guadalupe - Middle School
Explore the Bible - 'The Breastplate of Judgement'
Our Lady of Fatima - Middle School
Explore the Bible - 'Goliath'
St. Genevieve - Middle School
St. Ignatius of Loyola - Middle School
Novena to the Saints in Heaven for the Saints on Earth
St. Francis de Sales - Middle School
St. John Bosco - Middle School
St. Josephine Bakhita - Middle School
St. Katharine Drexel - Middle School
St. Catherine of Bologna
Explore the Bible - 'King Solomon'
St. Gianna Beretta Molla - Middle School
Explore the Bible - 'Herod the Great'
The Secret Message of Our Lady of Fatima - Chapter 1 - The Children
The Secret Message of Our Lady of Fatima - Chapter 2 - The Angel of Peace's Visits
The Secret Message of Our Lady of Fatima - Chapter 3 - The Marian Apparitions
The Secret Message of Our Lady of Fatima - Chapter 4 - Miracle of the Sun
St. John Baptist de Rossi - Middle School
St. Philip Neri - Middle School
The Secret Message of Our Lady of Fatima - Chapter 5 - After the Apparitions
St. Thomas More - Middle School
Explore the Bible - 'The Babylonian Captivity'
The Secret Message of Our Lady of Fatima - Chapter 6 - The Death of Francisco and Jacinta
The Secret Message of Our Lady of Fatima - Chapter 7 - Lucia’s Journey After the Apparitions
St. Veronica - Middle School
The Secret Message of Our Lady of Fatima - Chapter 8 - The Pilgrimages and Church’s Stance
The Secret Message of Our Lady of Fatima - Chapter 9 - Sister Lucia’s Memoirs and the Secrets
Explore the Bible - 'The Annunciation'
St. John Vianney - Middle School